Wikinspire let's you discover relations between different articles on Wikipedia.
Your search result, the articles related to your search, is visualized in two views:
A timeline and a mapview. You can whenever you want to switch between the two views with the help of these buttons:
In both of the views you can read about the subject you've searched for and click your way to Wikipedia to read the whole article. You can do the same for all the related articles that is shown in the different views. An article is considered related if your main search contains links to it or if the article links to the main search in any way. The different ways an article is related to the main search is shown with different colors: light blue and darck blue. If an article is linked both from and to the main article it is considered to have a strong relation and is marked with orange.
This project has been developed in the course TNM094, Medietekniskt Kandidatprojekt, at Linköping University (Sweden). The project was developed by Sara Martin, Albin Bergström, Hanna Johansson, Johanna Westberg and Sarah Fosse.
In both of the views you can read about the subject you've searched for and click your way to Wikipedia to read the whole article. You can do the same for all the related articles that is shown in the different views. An article is considered related if your main search contains links to it or if the article links to the main search in any way. The different ways an article is related to the main search is shown with different colors: light blue and darck blue. If an article is linked both from and to the main article it is considered to have a strong relation and is marked with orange.
This project has been developed in the course TNM094, Medietekniskt Kandidatprojekt, at Linköping University (Sweden). The project was developed by Sara Martin, Albin Bergström, Hanna Johansson, Johanna Westberg and Sarah Fosse.