Albin Bergström

Here are some of the web-projects that I've participated in during my studies at Linköping University.


This is the bachelor project that I and four other students at Linköping University did during spring 2016. The website visualizes articles from Wikipedia, how different articles are related to each other and how they are related in time and space.

For a swedish version of the website use go to or just click anywhere in this box to get to the english version.


Made a new website for the company Mirantum with information about the company and what they do. The website had to be responsive and give a more modern look compared to the old one. It also contains contact forms for visitors to make contact with the company, which was a new area of programming for me at the time.

Fullt ös arbetslös

During the hackathron "Hack for Sweden" (2016) me and three other students created a website for visualizing unemployment in Sweden with the help of open data. On the website you can see the comparisons between the sexes and comparisons between different areas of Sweden, visualized with graphs and a 3D-representation of the country.


As a part of the course in modelling and simulation me and three other students simulated a ballpit in 3D with the help of the Navier-Stokes equations that is used in fluid simulations. The method for smoothed-particle hydrodynamics is used to compute the different forces involved.

Galaxy Goose

During a course in 3D computer graphics me and a group of four other students developed a WebGL application where the user gets to create a solar system in 3D. The user can modify different properties of the planets such as the orbit, amount of moons, texture or even place objects at the different planets. To be able to create and modify a planet in the solar system you will have to create a user and log in.

Skön's new webpage

The student choir "Skön" needed a new external webpage to attract new students to sing in the choir so me and two other guys made one.